Introducing a new blog series, featuring our customer's most meaningful pieces...

Introducing a new blog series, featuring our customer's most meaningful pieces...

“Jewellery means so much more to me than just a beautiful accessory” ~ Carrie

Many of us choose to wear a piece of jewellery to remember a special person, moment or achievement in life. Often jewellery can be a tangible way to hold onto a memory, give strength during tough times or to symbolise the deep bond with a loved one.

Personal and unique to you, I love to hear about the treasured pieces in your jewellery collection and the stories behind them.

Carrie's Story 

One of my favourite and most personal pieces within the collection, our lightning bolt diamond studs hold a really special  deeper meaning to me and are a daily reminder of my inner strength.

Have you ever had an awful shock? One that went through your body like a bolt of lightning, and left you feeling exactly as you would have done if you had really been physically struck in the middle of a field? 

When something that powerful shocks you to the core like that, you’re left with a fear that it might happen again. I had a terrible, life changing shock once, and so now I wear a diamond lightning bolt in my ear every day, as a daily reminder that lightning never strikes in the same place twice.

I survived the storm & so can you! 

Ella's Story 

Ella’s Auntie Dan always wears CE Jewellery, and Ella has always admired it!  She especially loves her Auntie’s Mini Hanging Moon & Stars Charm, which she wears all the time. 

So when Ella turned 4, it was the perfect time to receive her first ever piece of ‘big girl’ jewellery! Her thoughtful Aunt gifted her our ‘Mini-Me’ Hanging Charm Necklace so that her and Ella can match! 

It was a lovely moment for Ella opening her gift at her 4th Birthday party, as it came in a special grown up white box with a pretty embossed card to keep reminding her ‘No one is YOU and that is your super power!’ 

Now Ella can match her Auntie, feel special & sparkly and be reminded of her birthday and her special super power every time she puts on her necklace. 

Fran's Story 

 Fran and her Fiancé had been forced to put their wedding plans on hold due to the pandemic. It seemed 2021 had other plans in store for them, and in that year they welcomed the arrival of their first baby, Robin! Midway through (yes, during!) Fran’s labour, her fiancé gifted her one of our special Star Set Diamond Bands in Solid Gold.

He knew that Fran had her eye on the ring for a Wedding Band, so he wanted to give it to her to show that whilst their wedding was not yet official on paper: as far as he was concerned they were now a family and ‘married enough’ to start wearing their rings. 

After overcoming a few initial health problems, Robin is now thriving and looking forward to being the guest of honour at his parents future wedding! Fran’s ring will always hold a very special place inn her heart. 

An Anonymous Story 

We received a beautiful message via DM from a customer who was happy to share their story anonymously, in their own words…:

This date last year I started my second round of IVF treatment after a total disaster a few months before. I was feeling really dejected, very anxious and honestly close to giving up (it has been a 3 year journey up to that point and I just wasn’t sure how much longer I could handle it). My husband bought me the “A Change is Going Come” Coin Necklace a few weeks later as a reminder and mantra to say each day.

I didn’t take it off. I wore it to every appointment, every scan, every blood test. I wore it during multiple hospital admissions when things weren’t going quite right. I wore it for 9 months and then my husband wore it in theatre when I was having a Caesarean section to bring our little bubba into the world (I wasn’t allowed jewellery on).

Today, 1 year on from starting the IVF drugs, my little boy is 11 weeks old, heathy and gorgeous. My husband bought me the diamond and emerald star necklace as a new talisman to wear to symbolise my motherhood. 
I am so grateful for everything I have got now in my life and your pieces are a gorgeous reminder of it. 

Angela's Story

Our Turquoise Set ‘Affirmation Coin’ in Gold is engraved on the reverse with the mantra ‘I give myself permission’. These words struck a chord with Angela, who had finally decided to give herself permission to take the plunge and have skin surgery which would cut away some of her old scars. 

She decided that on the 5th of January, following her surgery, she would buy herself our affirmation coin to signify this meaningful point in her journey. To her surprise, her thoughtful son, who knew of her plans, surprised her with the necklace for Christmas!

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