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New in for Autumn

The wait is over! I am so excited to announce that the first drop from our Autumn Winter collection is now available on our website and app.

Layering season is upon us and what better way than with jewellery?! This Autumn collection takes its style notes from the 1970s with an earthy colour palette and bold, luxe jewellery, designed to make an impact!

I can't wait to see your favourites!

Carrie x

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Natural Gemstones

Inspired by nature, gorgeous gemstones such as moss green agate, snowflake jade and green amethyst take centre stage alongside rich vibrant shades of sapphire and luminous pearl. Styled with molten, luxe gold for a maximalist approach that’s sure to make you look and feel a million dollars.

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Celestial Details

No Carrie Elizabeth collection would be complete without a nod to the universe around us. Beautiful, celestial designs add a delicate twist & pair perfectly with the bolder pieces for effortless eclectic styling.

Vintage Style

Vintage inspiration flows throughout the collection and adds a timeless feel to the new season, making sure that these are pieces you will reach for time and time again. New favourites include the Vintage Knocker Earrings and of course the Molten Coin Chunky Chain which are sure to elevate any outfit, day or night.  

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Each collection can be stacked and layered together to curate your own unique looks. Pick your favourites and add effortless style to your new season wardrobe.