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New in for Summer

Taking you from beach to bar, to BBQ & beyond… our new arrivals are the perfect way to ramp up the heat this summer.

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Colourful Beads

Add gorgeous colour to your look with stunning beads in sumptuous semi-precious gemstones. Take your pick from beautiful tones of jade, agate and opal and layer with your favourite chains for effortless boho style.

Why not layer together for a maximal approach to this huge trend.

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Turquoise Gemstones

Turquoise takes centre stage for summer – beautiful natural gemstones handcrafted with molten metal give this hypnotising stone a gorgeously luxe finish. Choose from statement rings & earrings or add a subtle layer of turquoise beads to your look.

Sunglasses Chains

New this season are our gorgeous sunglasses chains, available in your choice of timeless pearl, gorgeous green aventurine or contemporary link chain. The perfect choice to elevate your favourite sunnies this summer.

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Luxe Pearls

Pearls continue to be a Carrie Elizabeth favourite, whatever the season, and this time they’re making a statement! Whether you prefer rows of natural pearls that you can wrap or knot, or love a simple organic Baroque pearl on a super long chain – we’ve got you covered! We love them styled with swimwear or a casual shirt for a super luxe look.

Bracelet Stacks

As the weather warms up (we hope), it’s time to give your wrists some love and adorn them in rows of gorgeous arm candy. Make a statement in our molten metal cuff which pairs perfectly with our simple bangle and then manifest your dreams (or at least some sunshine!) with your favourite manifestation bracelet, available in a choice of gorgeous gemstones – turquoise, rose quartz, chrysoprase & apatite.

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Summer is all about embracing colour and this summer you can take your pick!

I can’t wait to see what you choose…

Love, Carrie x