A couple of weeks ago I spent the day shooting our new collection with some amazing women. I had spoken during lockdown about wanting to do a jewellery shoot with a wheel of hands in a rainbow of skin colours and today I am incredibly proud to share this with you. Up until now I’ve always shot my jewellery on myself, which I am incredibly aware is the lazy option. The tragic “I can’t breathe” and “Black Lives Matter” movements only highlighted further to me that taking the “lazy” option is just not good enough. We must all do better. Its my job and my honour to make every single woman out there feel included, loved and supported by our brand.
I couldn’t be more proud and grateful to have been able to work with real life customers from all walks of life. Real, absolutely beautiful women each with incredibly powerful stories to tell. We took some stunning photos but most importantly we got to know each other, shared our stories and came away from the day feeling stronger than ever.
I am so honoured to be able to share these stories with you today, marking the start of "My Hand Story", a platform we hope will encourage all women to share their stories and take strength from the stories of others.

"Taking part in this campaign has been so positively uplifting & a testament to the power of manifestation for me. I am an aspiring herbalist with a love for plants, crystals & all things holistic and enjoy using my hands to make my own personalised herbal formulas to help with my health issues. Back in 2018 I wrote a post that was really popular in a wellbeing group telling other women about how certain herbs I used were helping my body bounce back from burnout. I also included a photo of my strong nail growth as a surprising perk! In the photo I wore my favourite Carrie Elizabeth star band which also caught people’s eye ....if anyone would’ve told me that 2 years later I’d have the opportunity to hand model for Carrie based off that same photo submission, I would never have believed it!!! Proof that what you put out there really can come back around greater than you’d even imagine!"
"In the last 13 years, my hands have been through 2 child births and 1 miscarriage. I have been the victim of domestic violence having to flee my home with my youngest child. My hands have wiped tears of joy, sadness and fear. I held my husbands hand when we said “I do” in 2015 and they’ve held him close through times of grief. They have packed boxes for house moves more than 6 times and taken part in their fare share of DIY and gardening projects! All in all my hands have seen all sorts of happiness and sadness but still continue to hold and support my family as best they can"

"As cheesy as it sounds, the best thing I’ve done with my hands is pray....pray for a life where I’m content and don’t feel the need for anything, and as I’m getting older I can see my prayers manifesting. I’m in a good place mentally and physically and I’m truly grateful for all the experiences and opportunities I have in my life"
“The best thing I have done with my hands is helping others. In the past I’ve had the privilege of representing clients at court, in police stations and on death-row in Jamaica, and more recently, I have been sewing scrubs for the NHS. Right now though, nothing beats being able to reach out to hold your loved ones.”
“From a young age I used to feel self conscious about the birthmark on my hand, but now it’s my favourite accessory I didn’t have to pay for. My hands have helped me create the person I am, they have felt my story and every decision with each touch. The questions you get about the ring or bracelet you’re wearing adds to even more memories, who doesn’t love speaking about their sparkly finds”
"My hands allow me to speak to people on a deep and authentic level, in a way that sometimes my voice can’t. They help me to take risks, inspire, and make visions a reality. As a Graphic Designer my hands are my tools, they give me the opportunity to show others the world through my eyes"
"When I was young, my mother took up jewellery-making as a hobby. Her pieces were so lovely that it quickly turned into small business. Many weekends were spent stringing beads, posting cards through letterboxes and learning from her. Whilst making beautiful jewels might not be the path I’ve chosen (I’ll leave that up to Carrie!) I’ll always cherish how she taught me about craft, supporting small business and making something beautiful with my hands. I simply love adorning my hands with rings but I never thought about how valuable they are on their own"
Shop our New Collection here